• Naoya Yamano Naoya Yamano Representative Director, CEO

    Since the establishment of KOKUSAI GROUP, we have grown and expanded our business mainly around the car dealership, constantly providing value-added services to our customers. In this era of great change in the automotive industry, which is said to come only once every 100 years, we will continue to take on the challenge of building a foundation for the new era, focusing on diversification of mobility, while preserving our best traditions and culture.

  • Yuki Arakawa Yuki Arakawa Representative Director, CEO

    At KOKUSAI GROUP, we aim to become a centennial company. From tangible consumption to intangible consumption, from owning to sharing, our society, the way we live, and the way of business are changing remarkably with the evolution of technology. 
We will continue to strive to be a company that embodies gratitude, and is chosen not only by our customers but also by our employees.

  • Kazuo Makino Kazuo Makino Executive Director

    As we move into the 4th Industrial Revolution, companies are forced to manage their businesses not by winning or losing, but by surviving or dying.
    Our objective is to become a centennial company. Our people are out top priority, and each company strives to bring joy to our customers through challenge and innovation.

  • Hiroshi Tomizawa Hiroshi Tomizawa Executive Director

    We believe that balancing offensive and defensive strategies in each of our businesses is important as we aim to become a centennial company.
    Security, safety and innovation are key in surviving this era of great uncertainty. We are committed to providing new services while managing business risks effectively both within and outside the KOKUSAI GROUP.

  • Masami Muto Masami Muto Executive Director

    Toward becoming a centennial company, our focus is our customers. Our aim is to create an organization where we are flexible in coping with drastic changes.
    We also strive in creating an environment for free and vigorous discussion among all group employees, to create synergy through collaboration and to develop and implement speedy and effective initiatives.